The King Always Has Competition

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text text_larger=”no”]We all know that content is king, and the Internet is an inexhaustible source of content. Therefore, as entrepreneurs we must bet on good, fresh, and useful content so that our businesses stay afloat above the Dead Sea of content without substance where competition lurks hidden underneath.

Some consider that content is only text, not realizing that it can be any information that is added to digital platforms to attract, captivate, and retain users.

Your content can be articles, posts, videos, images, anything that is of help to your visitors, but more importantly, that is supportive to the promotion of your business. Some forms of content are more useful than others, and some platforms work best with a specific type.

Keep in mind more than 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and one in two Internet users go to the video platform to search for content. Likewise, with email marketing, around 204 million are sent every month with specific and specialized content; in that time, Facebook shares almost 2.46 million publications, almost 216 thousand photos are posted on Instagram, and the searches carried out daily on Google are almost incalculable.

For this reason, and in the face of growing competition, the only way to generate good captivating content is through creativity, as information becomes less interesting as it becomes outdated or no longer holds value for the user. That is, it does not cover a need.

Creativity is important, since it requires offering something unique that attracts and endures in the mind of the consumer. However, it is important to note that not all areas have varied topics to develop, but there are great ideas that can be applied. You can use stories, comparisons, videos … What matters is that it is useful!

Therefore, and as a specialist in the area, I want to reaffirm that content will continue to be king in any marketing strategy that you implement. Take note: the most aggressive companies invest 40% of their budget on content marketing and on average 26% of the marketing budget goes to content according to the Content Marketing Institute of New York.

I invite you then to seek support from trained professionals, and to bet on good content that adds value to your strategy and to your brand. To accomplish this requires a deep understanding of your company’s clients. You need to know what consumers require!

Get to know them better and you’ll be able to offer them more valuable content through these digital tools.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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